Monday, February 17, 2025

PAC wants to dismiss from work rude officers who refuse to declare assets


Malawi Parliament’s Public Appointments Committee of Parliament (PAC) is lobbying to be given the power to fire public officers who fail to declare their assets. The committee wants this power because of non-compliance such that as of to date, 23% of public officers have failed to declare their assets.

PAC Chairperson Joyce Chitsulo told journalists in Lilongwe that the committee is fed up with increasing cases of non-compliance and wants defaulters fired.

“Hearing from the officers we have summoned, it is disappointing to note that there is a lack of seriousness by the officers when it comes to following the law. It is further disappointing to see a public institution having zero compliance like literally, no officer declared,” she said.

According to her, this practice is promoting corruption and the committee will propose to the whole House that Standing Orders should be amended to state how the committee can fire non-compliant officers. In the meantime, the committee is summoning non-compliant institutions to explain why they failed to declare.

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