Saturday, October 26, 2024

Kalindo’s skirting of the law & misguided sense of invincibility

Kalindo fired

I am writing this on a generous assumption that Bon Kalindo is an activist (and there are many justifiable objections to him being one, but that is a story not for today so we proceed on this generous assumption).

It is such a good thing to be an activist. But to be an ignorant one is another version of disaster falls upon self. Engaging in activism does not grant individuals the right to disregard or violate the law without consequences. All activists who know this are better placed than those who don’t.

To begin with, activism has played a pivotal role throughout history in challenging societal inequalities, advocating for human rights, and effecting meaningful change where it is required. However, when ignorant people decide to call themselves activists, they develop and exhibit a sort of behavior that embraces a dangerous sense of self-importance and perceive themselves as being above the law.

Such behavior and actions unfortunately, do not only undermine the very principles of justice and equality but also risk damaging the credibility of their cause, and hindering progress towards positive societal transformation.

Kalindo was arrested and released on court bail. This court bail had its conditions which had to be complied with. Deciding to trash such conditions is a direct message to the court that issued the bail in the first place that he is above their jurisdiction and authority. In other words, Kalindo is, in his imaginations, placing himself above the authority of the courts. When the law enforcers catch up with him, he claims heroism, telling the world that he is fearless and the State is haunting him. That’s foolishness of the highest order.

Lest it be forgotten, no one is above the law. The concept of equality before the law applies to all individuals, regardless of their beliefs, background, or motives. The law is meant to be impartial and apply to everyone equally to maintain order and ensure justice within a society. This must sink in.

Thus while activists may be passionate about addressing societal issues or advocating for anything, they are still subject to the same legal framework as any other citizen. Like any individuals, activists can’t claim immunity from the law and must adhere to them. This includes respecting and abiding by laws related to public order, civil rights, property, and other legal regulations that govern their actions.

Thus activists who believe they are above the law display a blatant disregard for the legal consequences of their actions. This attitude reflects a dangerous sense of self-righteousness, wherein they deem their lawless behaviour, such as jumping bail, as tolerable. This behavior stains the activism space as it erodes the very foundation of a just and orderly society, where no individual or group should consider themselves exempt from the constraints of the legal system.

Ignorant activists, like Kalindo, can surely not understand the negative impact their lawless conduct has on activism industry. They can’t understand that when activists consider themselves above the law, they risk undermining the legitimacy and credibility of their cause. By engaging in illegal activities like jumping bail, they provide ammunition that discredit their message. This self-delusion of moral superiority alienates potential supporters, eroding public sympathy and diminishing the impact of their activism.

The principles of justice and equality form the bedrock of a functioning society. This is something that all activists except the ignorant ones, understand and respect. By disregarding the law based on over-estimated self-importance and invincibility because of some village-backed dark powers, activists undermine the very value system that protects the rights and freedoms of individuals and totally lacks tolerance by civilized society order.

Only if Kalindo was knowledgeable enough, he would surely know that skipping bail in a deliberate act of noncompliance with the justice system, has serious legal ramifications. He could then proceed from there to consider whether the potential benefits of his action would outweigh the attendant consequences and whether it really aligns with democratic principles upon which back he is attempting to ride. But we are talking of Kalindo who is, arguably, fairly ignorant. But unfortunately, ignorance is no excuse in law.

Editor In-Chief
the authorEditor In-Chief