Saturday, February 22, 2025
Law and order

Two Arrested for Illegal Possession of Pangolin

The two arrested suspects

Blantyre Police have arrested two men for illegally possessing a live pangolin at Kandodo corner shop in the central business district.

Blantyre Police Deputy publicist, Seargent Aubrey Singanyama has told local media that the two were arrested following a tip from well-wishers.

“We have arrested Wyson John, 34, and Charles Mayeso, 32, following a tip that the two had concealed in a sack bag and offering the protected live specimen for sale,” he said, the animal has been moved to it’s natural habitat at Majete game reserve.

“The two suspects will soon appear in court for being found in possession of listed species and dealing in government trophy, contrary to section 86 (1) as read with section 110 (b) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act,” he said.

Pangolins are one of the most threatened animals on Earth and in Malawi the illegal possession of the animals is on the rise as information indicates that there is a big market in Asia.

The scales of Pangolins are believed to have medicinal value.



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