Friday, February 21, 2025

Covid hits Mzuni, students fear closure  

Covid hits Mzuni 

MZUZU-As the world is engulfed with fear following the discovery of new variant of Covid-19, Mzuzu university has  registered 5 positive cases of the fatal pandemic on space of 9 days.

According to the university registrar Yonamu Ngwira all the five cases are female students.

Meanwhile, the registrar has called for total resumption of tough preventive measures within the University premises including disinfecting institution’s facilities and vehicles.

However, students are worried that the university may be closed in response to the rising cases.

Malawi universities and colleges had been closed for three weeks early this year, following a second wave of COVID-19 that had taken a heavy toll, with daily reports of increasing infections and deaths.

Mzuzu University, in northern Malawi, is one institution that has taken a major hit, with two forest faculty teachers dying from the disease, senior lecturer Dominic Gondwe and Professor Chimuleke Munthali.

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