Wednesday, March 5, 2025


The Malawi Vision2063 stands on three main pillars; Agricultural Productivity and Commercialization, Industrialization and Urbanization.

And one of the enablers of these pillars is Environmental Sustainability.

In case of infrastructure development, when Urbanization and environmental sustainability cross paths that’s where green investment comes into play.

Green investment is when investing activities are aligned with environmentally-friendly business practices and the conservation of natural resources.

Green investment does not stop cutting down of trees but calls for replenishment of the same in a responsible manner.

The K40 billion Kenyatta Drive and Mzimba Street are green investment projects that will remedy the lost trees with even more through a replanting exercise. Replanting will commence as soon as developers are sure that earth works won’t hinder the trees’ growth.

Let us come to terms with the fact that some land in our cities is reserved for future development and is deliberately planted with trees until such a time there is need to develop it.

And, nothing lasts forever.

The downing of Mibawa trees provides a multiplier effect to other economic sectors as they provide valuable raw material for industries such as flooring, paneling and furniture.

May be the agitators must be worried at how we will use the downed trees to add value to livelihoods. What about advocating for school desks to be made and given for free to schools within Lilongwe City?

This persistent duel on whether the project should continue or not may just present an opportunity for someone to sell the trees and pocket the proceeds from a blind spot.

Iyi yagwa kale, Abzala ina.


By Sam Dalitso

Guest Writer

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