Saturday, March 29, 2025

If I were Dalitso Kabambe I would realise that the UTM Project is doomed from the start


1- I would quickly realize that the ‘Kabambe Project’ for UTM is doomed from the start because the people fronting my campaign are serving their own selfish interests.

2 – I would understand that some leaders in UTM had been using SKC as their ‘goldmine,’ siphoning money at will in the name of the party, only for the funds to mysteriously vanish.

3 – In the absence of this ‘goldmine,’ these opportunists have been hunting for another one to exploit. I would thus see that I am just the next target for their plunder.

4 – I would be aware that the trio of Willet Kalonga, Felix Njawala, and Patricia Kaliati are bitter enemies, united only by their shared appetite for my money.

5 – I would recognize that this trio has already secretly divvied up the top three positions in the party among themselves, with Kaliati assuming the role of President. It would become clear that I am being deceived.

5 – I would realize that Kaliati is the most dangerous turncoat since the biblical Delilah, and that it is only a matter of time before she reveals her true colors.

6- I would understand that I am merely a pawn, financing the political ambitions of a few individuals in UTM, and that I would be discarded soon enough.

7 – I would be cautious with my wallet because it’s obvious they plan to clean me out.

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