Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Chisale arrested

By Enock Kathabwalika

In a twist of events, the larger-than-life ex-presidential bodyguard, Norman Paulos Chisale, is in a voluntary begging mode asking for forgiveness after PR-oriented TV outbursts which failed to secure their intended discourse dominance.

Sources close to Chisale have told Shire Times that Chisale requested for the TV interview, which Zodiak granted, in order to project a narrative that would attract wider public sympathy. According to the source, Chisale had prepared to tell stories about his court cases which include the famous Njauju murder case, the Blantyre attempted murder case, and the presidential TPN case.

Chisale, says the source, also prepared to speak on the unexplained wealth case which sources have indicated that the ACB is not willing to conclude investigations following allegations that investigating officers assigned to the case and other key investigations officers at the bureau have received illegal financial motivation to stay away from the investigations.

However, in the midst of delivering his planned PR cast, Chisale estimated that the impact was not as weighty and descended into fury and savagery mode wherein he started using profanity and lies against Government and State officials.

Dispatching a series of lies ranging from lying about his age to substantive lies related to his court cases, Chisale lied that the former Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Steven Kayuni, has been calling and begging for his forgiveness. Chisale further claimed that Kayuni refused to pay school fees for his (Chisale’s) child in school whilst his bank accounts remained frozen by the court.

Sources close to Kayuni indicate that there has never been anything like calls from the former DPP to Chisale for any alleged forgiveness and that when the former DPP heard about the allegations he was shocked. “The former DPP was abroad by the time and when a clip was sent to him, he expressed shock saying he has never made any call to Chisale and that if at all there is anyone who made the purported call on his behalf, that person was an impostor and a liar. But all likelihood is that Chisale was simply lying, just as he lied about everything he said”, said the source.

Our source close to Chisale is indicating that the allegations made on the TV are now haunting him as he is seeking interface with Minister Mvalo and Kayuni, who is now Principle Secretary for the Ministry of Home Affairs, to iron out differences.





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