Thursday, October 24, 2024

High Court Modifies Malawi VP Chilima’s Bail Terms


High Court Judge Redson Kapindu on Tuesday ruled in favor of Malawi Vice President Saulos Chilima, granting his request to modify his bail conditions. The Judge accepted that the Vice President does not pose a flight risk. As part of the ruling, Kapindu removed the condition that allowed the State to retain Chilima’s passport. Instead, the Judge stated that Chilima’s passport should be handed over to the State President. This decision was made on the basis that the Vice President cannot travel without seeking permission from the President.

Furthermore, Judge Kapindu ordered that Chilima must inform both the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) and the court 72 hours in advance of any foreign trip. The purpose of this requirement is considered to be merely “sharing of information” rather than “seeking authority” for the trips. Chilima is now required to provide details about the destination, date of departure, and return when planning any foreign travel.

Additionally, the Judge lifted the condition that previously required Chilima to report to the ACB every three months. The reason for this decision was that such a reporting requirement is deemed unnecessary for someone holding a high office and being under State protection.

Judge Kapindu emphasized that the court does not share the ACB’s mistrust of State institutions and machinery. Chilima was arrested by the ACB this year and faces corruption charges because of his dealings with Malawi-born UK businessman Sattar.



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