Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ground Reality Check Delivers a Blow in the Face of Demo Organizers

Joshua Chisa Mbele, a UTM contrivance entrusted with the task of championing anti-government demonstrations

Demonstrations, which were organized by an omnibus of stakeholders hiding behind Citizens Against Impunity and notable anti-government activists including Bon Kalindo, have suffered a damning litmus test in Blantyre where patronage was less than handful.

According to a publicized schedule, the demonstrations were planned for all major cities in the country (Blantyre, Zomba, Lilongwe and Mzuzu) from 27th to 29th October.

Following the shameful patronage in Blantyre, Civil Society for Unity of Purpose (CSUP), which was part of the organizations tagged in the championing of the demonstrations has backed down.

Announcing the withdrawal today, the Spokesperson for CSUP, Agape Khombe, cited greed and lack of sincerity on the part of the front faces of the organizing crew.

Khombe claimed that the leaders of the demonstrations received funding to a tune of K60 million from opposition political players including some politicians inside the Tonse Alliance to lubricate the protests against the regime.

Shire Times has exclusively established that public fund raising initiatives that were fronted by one of the organizers, Joshua Chisa Mbele, was a ‘masking tape’ aimed at concealing the ultimate sources of the funds.

Editor In-Chief
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