Saturday, July 27, 2024

DPP opposition fate sealed beyond 2025 as APM vows to contest Presidency


During a press conference held at his PAGE House in Mangochi, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leader Professor Peter Mutharika vowed that he will contest the 2025 elections.

According to Mutharika’s delusion of grandeur, the DPP is poised for a return into power charging  “I, Peter Mutharika, am ready to lead DPP to victory again in 2025,”

Nevertheless, political analysts appear to acknowledge that the likelihood of Peter Mutharika reclaiming the Malawian presidency is slim, suggesting that he has become disconnected from reality.

“He is the epitome of antiquity, the embodiment of regionalism and tribalism, a veritable monument to incompetence and insensitivity,” scoffed Political Scientist Joseph Masina, his words dripping with disdain.

“While he may command support in the Southern region, his prospects in the Central and Northen Regions are dim at best. With the stringent requirements of the 50% plus one rule, Chakwera’s victory in 2025 seems all but assured.”




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