Saturday, March 29, 2025

Concluded discipline cases in Malawi secondary schools confirm societal moral decadence

2023 MSCE results out

If the outcome of the reports of concluded discipline cases in Malawi secondary schools is anything to go by, the conclusion is simply that parents have abandoned their parental duties and that Malawi’s moral standards have gone down drastically.

Signed by Alexis Fundo Bwanthi for the Secretary for Education in the capital Lilongwe going to all Education Division Managers, the Ministry of Education seems to have taken a tough stand to root out unruly behavior in Malawi secondary schools as they have recommended the expulsion of many a student across the country, firing warning shots that they are expecting nothing but upright behavior from the future leaders of the country.

From the offenses, some libidinous student has been expelled for “attempting to rape a female teacher,” while an atypical female student has been expelled for “beer drinking.” Just imagine. Some Osama Bid Laden like-minded students have been expelled for “attempting to set fire to the school and teacher’s property” as well as “instigating rebellious behavior.”

According to this memo, the affected schools are from across the country such schools as Mzimba Secondary School, Yamba Community Day Secondary School, Madisi Secondary School, Ntchisi Secondary School, Salima Secondary School, M’bomba Secondary School, Chayamba Secondary School, and Thyolo Secondary School.

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