Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Benson Chilima Assumes GVH Role Under Senior Chief Njewa

Benson Chilima now GVH Chilima

Senior Chief Njewa from Lilongwe urged her subordinates to foster harmony among residents in their regions, emphasizing the importance of their active involvement in supporting government-led development initiatives.

She made this plea over the weekend while officiating the installation of Group Village Headman (GVH) Chilima, also known as Benson Chilima.

“Traditional Leaders are the custodians of development, social cohesion and cultural heritage preservation. These can only be achieved where there is unity,” she said.

Njewa condemned some traditional leaders who engage themselves in corrupt scams which, she said, have potential to destroy the much needed development for their subjects.

“Let me remind you, as traditional leaders, you should be instrumental in bringing development projects in your area such as bridges, clinics, markets and many more for the betterment of your subjects,” she added.

Speaking on behalf of the royal family, Edward Chilima, assured the people that the newly installed chief will work hand in hand with people in the area as he has been doing before.

Chilima urged the newly elevated chief to be exemplary to his subjects in preserving cultural values.

The newly installed GVH is a retired civil servant who worked with the Ministry of Health for 35 years. He retired from civil service in 2023 as Director responsible for Community Health Science Unit (CHSU).

Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima and Madame Mary Chilima, Member of Parliament for the area, Marko Ezra Banda Ching’onga, Lilongwe District Commissioner Dr Lawford Palani were some of the notable people who graced the event.


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