Saturday, March 29, 2025

ACB Czarina Martha Chizuma officially reinstated

Martha Chizuma

Following the interdiction of the Director General of the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in a letter signed by Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Colleen Zamba, the same officer has written the ACB boss informing her that she has since been reinstated.

“I refer to my letter Ref. No. SPC/S/001 dated 31st January 2023 in which you were interdicted from exercising the powers and functions of your office as Director of Anti-Corruption Bureau (Grade 1/C) with effect from 31st January 2023. The interdiction followed a receipt of a report that you were answering criminal charges before the Chief Resident Magistrate’s Court in Criminal case No. 236 of 2023.”

“Following the discontinuance of the case by the Director of Public Prosecutions, the interdiction order imposed on you is canceled. You are, therefore, re-instated as Director of Anti-Corruption Bureau (Grade 1/C).”

The discontinuance of the case decision was made by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Masauko Chamkakala, and this has led to the collapse of the interdiction as well as announced by Madam Zamba.

However, emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Malawi, Edge Kanyongolo said “there was no lawful interdiction and, therefore, there cannot be ‘re-instatement.’ The interdiction was (as the lawyers would say) ‘void ab initio’ i.e. as if it had never happened.”

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