Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Times Tv, Dausi Rubbishes Court Injunction, Shows Court and Mutharika Camp Middle Finger


Its battles after battle in the daunted DPP with recent scuffle episode elevating its collateral to the court yard where a judge has been left speechless after an injunction he granted got literally ignored and trashed to the dustbin.

High Court Judge, Simeon Mdeza who is on record to have, in his bench career, pronounced numerous cases in favour of the DPP and appears to handle many DPP cases granted an injunction which was sought by one Shadreck Namalomba, a blue-eyed boy for Peter Mutharika.

Namalonda made the errand following an advertisement by Times 360 airing channel announcing that it was going to air an exclusive interview with Nicolas Dausi a DPP’s Publicity Secretary who is affiliated to a Nankhumwa camp, a rival fold to that of Mutharika camp within the DPP.

Dausi’s announced interview aimed at discarding what is now described as DPP Nkopola Declaration where the party’s supposed National Governing Council (NGC) made a number of resolutions including endorsing Mutharika as DPP’s preferred candidate for the upcoming 2025 presidential election.

Other ‘hot-end’ resolutions included abolishment of vice presidency positions in the party and termination of old hiring process for the party’s Secretary General (SG) which used to be through the elective conference where all other positions including the party’s presidency were attained.

The new arrangement, following the Nkopola Declaration, require that the party’s SG will, going forward, be appointed by the party’s president. Commentators have zeroed in stating that these two moves are calculated at eliminating Kondwani Nankhumwa who has been the party’s vice president for the party responsible for the southern region as well as the current SG Griselda Jeffry who has her loyalty inclined with Nankhumwa camp.

Dausi made the move to counter the publicized declarations that the NGC made during its controversial meeting which took place at Nkopola lodge in Mangochi, a district where Mutharika has planted his residential house.

Despite the injunction which has been purposefully shared on the social media, Times 360 Tv remained unfazed as it proceeded airing the pre-recorded program in which Dausi has teared down the Nkopola Declaration, drawing clear grounds of intensifying political battle between the two rival camps.

Dausi further decried that DPP is descending into a party where the center of power is in a business of threatening dissenting voices and that such is a behaviour of a party that is cruising into oblivion.

Editor In-Chief
the authorEditor In-Chief