Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Prophet Liabunya Says Chakwera Will Win 2025 if He Lets God Fight His Battles

Prophet Austin Liabunya and President Chakwera.

Controversial Malawi Prophet Austin Liabunya yesterday came out swinging reiterating that Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera will renew his governance mandate in September 2025 when the country goes to polls.

Liabunya said this when he revealed to Malawians spiritual findings as to what killed Vice President Saulos Chilima. Liabunya said the President’s hands are clean on the death Vice President Chilima and that he should allow God to fight for his battles and not fight them on his own saying that is the only condition for him to win the Presidency next year, which he said will be full of drama like it has never been seen.


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